This paper presents a complete and
comprehensive review of the state of the art on the
coordination of Generation Expansion Planning (GEP)
and Transmission Expansion Planning (TEP) in
deregulated markets. In such an environment, generation
companies freely decide about their investments, while the
transmission planner decides about network
enhancements. These investment decisions are mutually
dependent. Indeed, a lack of coordination can lead to
inefficient transmission investments and lower profits for
generation companies. In particular, this paper provides
an up to date assessment of the existing models explicitly
considering the interactions between GEP and TEP
(coordination models), and it discusses the needs and
challenges for developing coordination price-signals to
generation companies to complement the current
coordinating frameworks.
Keywords: Generation expansion planning, Investment coordination, Liberalization, Locational investment incentives, Transmission expansion planning.
Registration date: 01/06/2018